Chapter 55 - The Council

Scene: As the council makes their way into the judicial chamber, Aiko waits inside, preparing her thoughts for how she will explain some very difficult enlightenments.

  • Scene: After entering the room, they greet Aiko.

  • Torren: We understand you have a great many details to share with us, but before you start, we would like to first express our immense gratitude for your bravery and skill that you showed in saving our people.

  • Sid: You and Rey have succeeded in accomplishing a task, that for thousands of years, no defender has ever completed. The praise of that accomplishment, especially given the extreme and dire situation we were in, will be spoken of for years to come.

  • Aiko: Thank you esteemed council. I am honored by your words. What I have to share will be difficult to hear, because it will be contrary to all that we understand and hold dear about ourselves and world in which we live.

    Scene: Aiko then proceeds to share with them their discovery of another elf race, that prior to the Orc and goblin rebellion, they were descendants of. And the events that took place that separated them from their people below and caused them to escape to the Skyland, thousands of years ago. She also explained the dire situation that Elves and Pixies below live in while trying to battle a brutal species know as Ocs and Goblins.

  • Torren: How can this be. Why doesn’t any of this exist in our antient scrolls. Are we absolutely sure of this information?

    Queen: I too was shocked by this revelation when Aiko first told it to me. To imagine we have existed for thousands of years without knowing our true history and lineage is just astounding. I not doubting what you’ve learned and experienced Aiko, but I agree, we need more proof before we can just wipe away a history we’ve know for thousands of years.

  • Aiko: I wish I could provide that to you, but as you know, the person most capable of provided that is currently trapped below.

  • Sid: Before we can make assumption about ourselves or our history, I recommend that we assess first what we have learned. If Rey is able to find a way to return, hopefully she can bring more clarity to this information.